Barrera Sanchez

& Associates, P.C.

The law office of Barrera, Sanchez & Associates, P.C. has proudly served the Rio Grande Valley for over 20 years. Fueled by our dedication, we will guide you through a variety of legal services that include family law, probate, litigation, personal injury and commercial law. We pride ourselves in providing strong and transparent legal representation to uphold your best interests, no matter which legal issue you might be facing.

Arrange a consultation with our McAllen lawyers by calling 956.287.7555 today. We will do whatever we can to provide a mutually beneficial and satisfactory outcome for all parties involved.

Our Practice Areas

At Barrera Sanchez & Associates, P.C., we are fully dedicated to offering you and your loved ones the representation you deserve. Whether you’re currently going through a divorce, seeking compensation after a personal injury or fighting for custody, know that our team of lawyers and legal experts are ready to give you high-caliber representation.

Latest News

How Our Personal Injury Lawyers in McAllen TX Fight for You

When you're grappling with the aftermath of an accident or injury caused by negligence in Texas, the legal process can feel like a labyrinth. Personal injury lawyers in McAllen TX deeply understand local laws and procedures. They're your seasoned guides, ensuring your rights are safeguarded while helping you maneuver through the complexities of the legal system. We Assess Your Claim Evaluating... Read More

Navigating Divorce: Why Hiring McAllen Attorneys Matters

The decision to enlist legal representation holds profound significance in divorce proceedings, especially when finding experienced McAllen attorneys. Here, we delve into the pivotal reasons why securing a divorce attorney is indispensable, exploring common pitfalls of DIY divorces and illuminating how legal advocacy safeguards rights and interests. We offer insightful tips on finding the ideal divorce attorney. Why Hire a... Read More

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